iPhone E-mail Accounts Setting

Caution: Before adding email acounts into your iPhone, please go to Qmailadmin to create your email accounts.

1. From your iPhone Home screen, tap <<Settings>>.

2. Click <<Mails, Contacts, Calendars>> and tap <<Add Account>>.

3. Select <<Other>> as "Account Type".

4. Input and save the information below:

Email address e.g. "webmaster@yourdomain.com"
Type of Account Choose <<POP>>
Incoming Mail Server e.g. "mail.yourdomain.com"
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Input the SMTP server provided by your ISP. For example, if you use Netvigator (Business) as your ISP, then input "corpmail1.netvigator.com" as your SMTP server name.

If you have paid for our SMTP / SMTP 1025 service, input our SMTP server name.
Username If your email address is "webmaster@yourdomain.com", your username will be "webmaster@yourdomain.com".
Password The password you selected

5. From your iPhone Home screen, tap <<Settings>> and then tap <<Mails, Contacts, Calendars>>. Under "Accounts", select the account you want to set preferences.

6. Click <<SMTP>> under "Outgoing Mail Server".

7. Click <<Authentication>> and input the related username and password.
(If you have paid for our SMTP / SMTP 1025 service, input our SMTP server user name and password.)

(Remarks 1: If you only receive emails, please skip Step 7.)
(Remarks 2: If your ISP does not require any authentication, please skip Step 7.)

Customers can use the SMTP server name provided by your ISP:

Netvigator (smtp.netvigator.com)
Netvigator (Business) (corpmail1.netvigator.com)
i-cable (smtp.i-cable.com)
Hutchison (smtp.hutchcity.com)
HKBroadband (smtp.hkbn.net)
HKNet (smtp.hknet.com)
PacificNet (smtp.pacific.net.hk)

8. You can receive and send emails after setting up email accounts.

How to use our SMTP / SMTP 1025 service?

Please click here.